Maria Garcia
Itzamna Society, Chairperson

San Antonio Village,
Cayo District, Belize C.A.
Tel: +501-671-1753

Employment History
Chairperson of Itzamna Society (1998-Present)
Elected Chairperson of Itzamna Society (2020)
Coordinated and advocated towards acquiring the co-management agreement.
Acquired co-management agreement with the help of the Minister of works and the Minister of Environment and fisheries.
Coordinated medicinal and ceremonial workshops at the Elijio Panti National Park
Prepared and assisted in the creation of booklets about Maya Medicinal plants and Sacred ceremonial uses of caves.
Elected Chairperson of Itzamna Society (2017)
Coordinated meetings with Forestry Dept. and Minister of Environment, fisheries towards the co-management agreement.
Coordinated Development of co-management process.
Prepared and assisted in the creation of Maya Medicinal booklets.
Coordinated and prepared a Maya Medicinal garden for the school children at the United Pentecostal School.
Advocated and assisted in the protection of a Maya well in the United Pentecostal School grounds.
Coordinated the construction of a multipurpose shed at the United Pentecostal School
Elected Chairperson of Itzamna Society (2001)
Coordinate community meetings for the villages of San Antonio, Cristo Rey, and Seven Miles.
Educate Villagers and elicit their support for the Elijio Panti National Park.
Coordinated a co-management inauguration celebration for 350 people, which included Mayan spiritualists, environmentalists, embassies, other NGO’s, and local villagers, June 2001.
Prepared educational material for students of the United Pentecostal School for the General Symposium, March 2000
Awarded a certificate for “Contribucion al Desarrollo de la cultura Ecologica ”from SEMAneta Internacional, December 2001.
Coordinated the following seminars for community and Itzamna members:
Park Management-Friends for Conservation and Development, 2000
Cave Tour Training-Ministry of Archaeology, 2000
Organic Cultivation-Cacao Grower’s Association in San Antonio, Toledo District, 2000
Co-management of Protected Areas- Forestry Division, 2001
Protected Areas Conservation- Janus Foundation, 2001
Conservation, National Park Regulations and Development plans for EPNP- Itzamna Society and Forestry Division, 2001
Pine Beetle and Fire Monitoring- Forestry Division, 2002
National Park Conservation and planning- Friends for Conservation, 2002
Community Awareness in Fire Control-Itzamna Society and forestry Department, 2002.

Professional Artist, Self-employed (1981-present)
Opened and managed a gift shop containing local art in San Antonio, Cayo since 1985
Trained others to carve slate rock
Educates visitors of the ancient Mayan religion and beliefs
Promoted Mayan Art and Culture through the Belize Tourism Board
Awarded “Permanent Artist of Belize” at Riverfest in 1995
Tanah Museum Manager (1991-present)
Built a museum to demonstrate traditional Mayan culture
Collected Mayan artifacts, tools, instruments to display
Educates visitors and students of Mayan Beliefs and traditions
Maya Medicinal Garden Since (1995-Present)
Designed, built a Maya alter for sacred maya spiritual Introduction.
Responsible for the advertisements and promotions
Maintain the maya way of healing.
Other Skills/Training
Accounting and Promotion through the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Bob Wilson, 1996
Introduction to and Intermediate level of Computer Use through the Cayo Computer Center, 2001-2002
Roman Catholic School, San Antonio, Cayo
Finished third in class