For the Protection and Conservation of the Environment, Culture and Community
Preserving Our Heritage
We are the ancient people, the Maya. We are the modern people, the Maya of Belize. Our heritage includes the rainforest and her lands, rivers, trees, medicinal plants and herbs, birds, jaguars and other wild animals, as well our people and our customs. We are dedicated to preserving all of this.

Protecting and Sustaining the Ecosystem
Our goal is to protect and sustain the land we live upon, as well as the 12,600 acres that make up the Elijio Panti National Park, which has been officially been returned to our care.
We defend the animals, plants and waters of this place from poaching, chemicals, insecticides, pollution and other hazardous encroachment and abuse by the industrialised world.
This magnificent rainforest, with her sacred caves, mountains, ancient Maya temples, glorious trees, birds, jaguars, plants and herbs must continue to thrive. Now, and for centuries to come.

Education for our Future
Our people, made up of farmers and volunteers, are remembering gentle ways of living on the land. These include sustainable, organic agriculture and replanting native flora. Our prayer is to teach our children and all those who come here to learn the values of nature guardianship, passionate dedication and the continual improvement of the ecological conditions of the Paradise in which we live.

Contact Us
we'd love to hear from you
Elijio Panti National Park / Itzamna Society
San Antonio Village, Caracol Rd, Cayo District, Belize C.A
T: +501-6 71-1753

“For the Preservation and Conservation of the Natural Resources, Cultural Patrimony and Community Development”